Mistral - well basically she's fine. She was spayed and is now over that. She in pretty good form - incredibly needy (more so than Mia who was in the worst condition of the two). Mistral weirdly has an uneven face. One dewlap is normal and on the other side, it's very short. The vet doesn't know why any more than I do. Was she born like that, was she beaten? There doesn't appear to be any scaring but she's certainly one lopsided looking dog.
Mia has problems (she's the one photographed here) but on the other hand you can see she is looking much better. She has been eating three times the amount of the others yet has only gained a little weight. Her skin is improving but it's not right yet. Last week she went to the vet for a check-up and the two special baths she was having have been stopped. The vet felt they were perhaps drying her skin too much.
And on Monday she was sterilised. (these photos were taken before the operation) She bled a lot and she needed a lot of anaesthetic. When the vet opened her up she found enlarged lymph nodes - perhaps not good news, we have to wait and see. She also wanted to remove one toe. It's infected and is three times the size it should be. After x-ray, it was hard to tell if it was a tumour or what, so removal seemed the best option. Because she bled so much tho and because she needed so much anaesthetic, the vet decided not to do anything with the toe for the moment. The x-rayed showed it's not a tumour but is badly arthritic and could be painful for her. So we'll see how it goes. At the moment it doesn't seem to bother her and as the vet said, if she has lymphoma why bother her with another operation. Once she's over this op, she can be given anti-inflammatories, of course and that might help. She also has a heart murmur. Lots wrong with our lovely Mama Mia.
Yesterday, the day after the operation, she was still poorly but today she is much better, eating well and taking note of life.
So sad if she does have cancer but on the other hand, even if she doesn't make much older bones, at least she has a comfortable sofa to sleep on and that was the whole point - to give these dogs a good ending to their hard lives.
She is still terrified of men, of course, and the camera - she looks at it and thinks a bullet is about to hit her between the eyes.
So everything is now done. They've both been sterilised, they've had their innoculations, loads of wormings, skin treatments, good food. Now it's just a question of time and getting healthier. I know from the past, this takes time and we've lots of that.
Thanks so much to everyone who has been so encouraging and taken such an interest in these two dogs - they say Woof Woof and thanks to you.
Poor creatures. I hope all goes well with Mia. She has gone through too much already. Thanks for taking care of them, giving them finally a little love and comfort in their lives.
The tongue looks a lovely colour, Jilly. Dewlap ... did not know that word. Shall use it until it feels normal. Dewlap.
As always your doggie tales touch my heart..I'm hoping that Mia will not have cancer and will live longer and so enjoy her new life. It would be too cruel if she were to die now.
Loving dogs that grow old and become infirm is really difficult, but those two pooches are so lucky to be in your life. Cruelty to animals is unimaginable in our casa! PS. Now that we are here in Maz and settled in, Jim (Jaime) will begin volunteering at the privately run and only animal shelter in this city. He loves the animals and the people who work with them!
Good thoughts from Birmingham for our Mia who I pray will get a good report. Merci pour des photographies de Les Girls! (correct me s.v.p)
Hugs to all
Thanks for the updates. I love them! Don't see the oversized dewlap...interesting. Mama Mia is just beautiful. Doesn't look as sick as she sounds. Dogs are quite the troopers!
There is such a difference in the way they look now as to how they looked when they arrived. What a big difference love makes...Thank you for giving them so much of it...
I might have said this before but I'll say it again: you've earned your wings, Jilly!
She look so much better. I tear up everytime I read this blog. Many Blessings to you Jilly. I know it's what you do in life (watching over the dogs) but you really care and took the time to make a better life for these two.
Thanks for keeping us all posted.
Jilly, les girls look wonderful. I would not worry about the dewclaw. Its probably a deformed one and if its giving her no probs- leave alone.
Oscar had the lymph cancer as you know and he looked "well" right to the end. Under her chin are two lymph glands - check to see if you can feel them like little rocks. If so - show your Vet. that is how I found out about Oscar. I am so glad the baths are over and maybe if you give her a few sardines in olive oil - that can moisturize the skin. Did it with one of my dogs who had dry skin. Loved them too! LOL
Mistral and Mia both look so good Jilly and you know they are happy. Look at them - so contented!
Kenzo sends a kiss to both his older sisters! LOL
Sending much love to Les Girls, Beau and you too Jilly
Sue Caissy
Thanks much for the update on Les Girls.
May I answer them "Ouaf, ouaf"?
Les Girls, Virginia is a pip. And so are the girls.
Jilly, I haven't checked in with you and your girls for a while. Your complex report on the health of "Les Girls" is similar to the profile on my two geriatric kitties. I think that taking care of lovable creatures who can't tell you how they're feeling in the midst of their sickness is a full-time job. But it sounds as though you're growing as a family despite all the difficulties. I hope your vet gives a discount for volume!
How they travelling?
Stopping in to see how the doggies are....glad to see that they are looking so much better. I hope it is not lymphoma but how much better to be with you than where they were ....
Hi Jilly,
I just wanted to thank you for your blog. My mother recently was faced with having to put her beloved dog-of-her-life to sleep (aggressive lymphoma). It was from reading your blog that I learned it was possible to have a vet come to your residence for that, my mother had never heard of it either. She asked her vet on my suggestion and indeed he was able to come to her home and it made this devastating event a bit more bearable, and the dog passed laying comfortably on his bed with my mother's arms around him. So thank you!
Thanks so much for the comments and to Belgrade DP - I'm so glad the postings helped your mother. That's exactly why I wrote 'Pearl Drift' so others didn't have to go through what Milou did. Thanks for writing. Really appreciate it.
Bibi, I'm so glad your mother found such comfort at such a difficult time. I've been reading up on how to deal with putting my kitty to sleep when the time comes, which might be soon. I learned that you want to let the vet do it, never yourself, that you want to hold them, and that the vet can come to your home or, if you go to the vet's office, ask for the last appointment of the day so there's no rush. This is why I love the Internet. It gives you information you need as well as options.
How are the girls going Jilly?
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