One of the many joys of owning Milou, an American cocker spaniel - and the dog of my life - is that once we were away from a main road, he could be let off his lead - he'd explore but he never went far - always keeping an eye out for me. He'd wander about Gorbio village whilst I had a coffee in the bar and he loved walking in the hills above the village, amongst the olive trees and the wild thyme - especially when his best buddy, Candy, was visiting from America. My Milou went to doggy heaven a couple of years ago and I miss him still.

When I adopted Beau from the refuge in April 2006, the furthest thing from my mind was the word 'walkies.' I just got sucked into the look in his eyes and how needy he was. And he was. Once home and following three weeks on antibiotics, he had to have both eardrums removed - 4 and half hours on the operating table. It took a year for him to get reasonably healthy but still - every four months - he got massive abcesses below each ear. Things are better now and since July, he's not had another abscess and that's because they've never quite healed - each day both sides drain just a little. The vet suggests this is a good thing and I agree. It's a simple matter to wash the areas each morning - far better than painful abscesses for the poor dog.
So when it came to walking - and I did take Beau on several walks soon after the swelling had gone down and the stiches were removed - what did he do? As soon as I let him off lead, his long big beautiful nose went down and off he dashed into the undergrowth. Beau is a Bruno de Jura which is a Swiss hunting dog - bred to hunt, bred to follow a scent. Fortunately I was with a friend when he ran off and we managed, between us, to get him back. Since then I tried a couple of walks with him on an extension lead which wasn't much fun cos he'd dive into the undergrowth and the lead would get twisted around twigs and rocks and he'd need to be rescued. Now he walks on a normal lead, albeit quite a long one, with me getting dragged into the woodland everytime he wants to 'follow his nose.'
And then suddenly things changed. Some of you know I have several photo blogs. One of them is Menton Daily Photo and I decided to photograph the Promenade le Corbusier which goes from the point of Cap Martin all the way to Monaco - a walk and takes about 2 and a half hour each way. It has to be one of the most gloriously beautiful walks in the world and you can take the walk with Beau and me on Menton Daily Photo in January. It occurred me to me that perhaps Beau wouldn't run away on this walk because in the first place, it's right by the sea, so hopefully no wild boars about, and secondly, it's fenced on the inland side of the walk - ie all the beautiful houses and gardens protect their wildly expensive properties with wrought iron railings. So off we went. Beau had a breakthrough - and so did I.
We parked by the sea, and I walked Beau, on lead, to the beginning of the 'walk.' There were several other dogs running about and I knew I had to let Beau off as dogs feel vulnerable when meeting new dogs if they are on a lead and the other dogs are running free. He stopped dead, allowed the other dogs to sniff him and then I called him to follow. Beau, whilst he has no eardrums can - amazingly - hear a little. The vet explained there is some mechanism left to allow him to do this. Certainly when the other dogs at Pension Milou bark, he pricks up his ears and follows them - barking along with them. So he followed me for a bit. Great. We continued the walk and soon he was ahead of me, but every so often, he stopped, turned and looked around for me. A miracle. As soon as he saw me, he'd continue. Sometimes he'd take off down one of the little tracks to the rocks and the sea, then he'd stop and look for me again. One time, it was the other way around - I was ahead of him, went around a bend - later I looked back - no Beau. I ran back. No Beau. Ran further. No Beau. I asked people if they'd seen a large black dog with very long ears and they pointed down a track. There he was, on the rocks just waiting and when he saw me, he bounded over - so joyful. And then I knew. Miraculously I have a dog who wants to be with me. He's become 'my' dog. Now I know we can go for walks together - I can trust him off lead so long as there's no traffic and he can trust me to look after him.

I'm looking at him now. He's sitting in MY chair. Yes, I lost my chair soon after he got here. He doesn't move his majestic head but I know, if I were to walk past him, his eyes would follow me around the room. This dog loves me. I look at this beautiful dog and remember that poor old dog I first saw in the refuge. Beau is about ten years of age. I remember how he staggered out to greet one of the volunteers, then slunk back to his corner of a filthy carvan where he lived because he was so sick, the sides of his head massively swollen with infection. The filthy caravan I might tell you was considerably better than the kennels the other dogs had, which were only airline crates giving no protection from the cold and rain. I didn't want to take him. At the time I had two other rescue dogs and they were a handful. I hesitated - twice. Imagine if I'd left him there?
If ever you are given the choice between buying a puppy or giving a home to a refuge dog, don't hesitate, please give an unwanted dog a home. You'll never know the joy you will get when you nurture a dog to full health and then watch him grow into his potential. And then there's the love you get back - and sometimes it's overwhelming - but I'm not complaining. I was told Beau had had four homes before being put in the refuge and he'd been in the refuge a long time. I really don't know if this is true or not but I can't imagine anyone giving up this beautiful dog. Anyway - it's all worked out beautifully. We suit each other, my dog and me.
I must go - from the terrace I see the sun shining over the sea - and Beau wants a walk. So do I.

This is a watercolour of Beau by British artist, Katie Lancaster. Katie is based in the South of France and creates contemporary dog portraits from photographs. Each drawing is an original piece of artwork, drawn with sensitivity and focused attention to detail. Katie also designed the Pension Milou website. To see more of Katie's beautiful dog portraits (in water colours or pastels) please click on Pet Portraits | Katie Lancaster.
I have a hound, i am not sure exactly what breed as like yours he is adopted from the pound but he looks like pictures of Foxhounds complete with the tricolour markings.
His the most loveable little fellow and always wants to be close. Even now as i sit here in front of the computer he is lying nearby watching the best he can, his eyes are sleepy and he wants a to sleep but is worried i might disappear while i he is sleeping.
Sadly he has never grasp the concept of walking off the lead and instead proved that the rest of his body is really just the support system for his nose and follow his nose he does until something happens to scare him like a car backfiring in the distance or a bird catching him unaware and he comes belting back to me. If only he did that when i actually called his name!
What a lovely story. And a handsome dog, too.
We have four rescued animals--two cats and two dogs. The most recent rescue was Frodo, our catahoula leopard (a hunting breed from the United States). Frodo came from Mexico, where he'd had a wire tied around one of his back legs. It was left there so long that when he was finally rescued by some kind soul, they had to remove the leg. He has been a major trial for us--barking, destroying our house, chasing the cats--but it's suddenly getting better now, and he is the sweetest, most happy-go-lucky dog I think I've ever had.
I agree with you, rescue is always the way to go.
Jilly, the story is so beautiful written and it makes me really sad and happy at the same time; sad that such horrible things happen every day (to dogs and humans alike) and happy that there are beautiful people like you who come in and make a difference in the lives of dogs (and humans, I'm sure).
Thanks for sharing the story of Beau. He is gorgeous and he is blessed to have you. And I'm sure you feel the same for having him.
What a lucky dog Mr. Beau is! Beautiful watercolor too - I wish I could afford such a thing right now. Maybe some day.
I have two Chihuahuas. Zelda is 8 and Boris is 4. Not hounds, but technically, Chis were bred as ratters, so they're terrier-ish. And they act it.
We go to the grounds of the local art museum here (Kansas City) and I can let both of them off-leash, but Zelda will run off, following her nose (and marking every other 'mark' she encounters), while Boris will stay near and stop when I tell him, come when I call him and heel.
So, Zel usually has to stay on the leash because a 6-lb. dog can be carried away by a passing redtail hawk or destroyed in one bite by the Bouvier de Flanders she decides to stand up to.
Thank you for sharing Beau's story.
God, I'm a hopeless dog lover. :)
Only time our border collie "trotted obediently behind us" was when she had the rampant diarrhoea... on a zebra crossing as well! Oh! The looks on those drivers' faces!!
I call my roborovskis "tiny trotters" too but they do their trotting on their wheel. Roborovskis, in case you don't know, are the smallest and quickest hamsters in the world. Only 5cm long each, they look like entertaining balls of harvest-coloured fur. Luvverly critters!!
Great blog you have here btw!
Beau is a handsome dog, and they know who has a warm heart for to e together. Lovely story. We have a terrier, a west highland white. There is no way we could walk with him off a leash. Too many rabbits and squirrels for him to track and chase. And too many streets with cars.
Oh lucky Beau - to have found you and you to have found him. He is a beautiful dog and very lucky to have had you save him from pain and infection and a miserable life. Gosh, I'm all choked up, Jilly.
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