Vous avez vu ma photo et l'article qui parle de moi dans Nice-Matin du 27 août 2008 et j'en suis très contente.
L'article cite un des mes blogs dont le lien correct est: Menton Daily Photo. Chaque jour, vous y trouverez une photo accompagnée d'un petit texte sur Menton, Gorbio, Roquebrune Cap Martin et les autres villages. proches. J'habite la région depuis 18 ans. J'en suis tombée amoureuse et j'adore la photographier pour vous faire partager mon plaisir.
Nice-Matin today shows a photograph of Yours truly and my dog Beau - that's him in the foreground and little Rolf, who is staying here, near my feet. The interview was about local bloggers and in particular my Menton Daily Photo blog but, this blog was mentioned instead. Please click on the link above to enjoy photos of Menton and the nearby villages.
There is also a Monte Carlo Daily Photo blog if you live in Monaco and Riviera Dogs.
And for regular readers of Postcards from Pension Milou - apologies - you can see the photo blogs have been taking me away from my writing. I'll get back to it soon, I promise!
Article in Nice-Matin - click on the link.
Vous avez vu ma photo et l'article qui parle de moi dans Nice-Matin du 27 août 2008 et j'en suis très contente.
L'article cite un des mes blogs dont le lien correct est: Menton Daily Photo. Chaque jour, vous y trouverez une photo accompagnée d'un petit texte sur Menton, Gorbio, Roquebrune Cap Martin et les autres villages. proches. J'habite la région depuis 18 ans. J'en suis tombée amoureuse et j'adore la photographier pour vous faire partager mon plaisir.
Nice-Matin today shows a photograph of Yours truly and my dog Beau - that's him in the foreground and little Rolf, who is staying here, near my feet. The interview was about local bloggers and in particular my Menton Daily Photo blog but, this blog was mentioned instead. Please click on the link above to enjoy photos of Menton and the nearby villages.
There is also a Monte Carlo Daily Photo blog if you live in Monaco and Riviera Dogs.
And for regular readers of Postcards from Pension Milou - apologies - you can see the photo blogs have been taking me away from my writing. I'll get back to it soon, I promise!
Article in Nice-Matin - click on the link.
Oh well done, Jilly...should I ask for your autograph?
Did you know they were going to run that article because it seems to me that much was taken from your blog..Great publicity though.
Congratulations Jilly on the Nice-Matin article! Love the photo of you and Beau! x Katie
Auriez- vous l'amabilité de m'indiquer un élevage de teckels
nains et noirs et à poils ras
et dans le Sud de la france ?
Si cela existe !
Un grand merci par avance.
Oh what a lovely photo of you and Beau and the little black dog that I met but whose name escapes me.
Good on Nice-Matin!
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